SumDisk A tool to audit your disk space and locate file copies Copyright 1993 by Richard Bryant Rt. 2, Box 1942 Bainbridge, Georgia 31717 Table of Contents Quick Start. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 System Dependability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 When Space Gets Tight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 How SumDisk Helps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Uses for SumDisk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Where Am I Using All That Space?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 What Files Can I Delete to Free Up the Most Space?. . . . . . . . . . 5 How Much Space Are My Commercial Programs Taking? . . . . . . . . . . 5 Do I Have Wasted Space in File Copies?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Where Are All My .DBF (.WK1, .DOC, etc.) Files? . . . . . . . . . . . 6 What Basic Information Is Available For My Drive? . . . . . . . . . . 7 A Fast Test Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Start-Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Other Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Fine-Tuning the Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 File Duplicates and File Deletion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Producing Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Wrapping It Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Running SumDisk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Program Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The Opening Screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Viewing the Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Getting to the Heart of It. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 List Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Size Units Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Mark Duplicate Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Find and Display a List Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Output Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Show Miscellaneous Drive Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Customizing an Audit from the Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Selecting a Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Selecting a Color Scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Producing Directory Lists Only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Limiting the Size of the Files List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Specifying File Groups to Place into the Files List . . . . . . . . . 24 Specifying File Groups to Exclude from the Files List . . . . . . . . 24 Fine-Tuning a Files List by Combining /Include & /Exclude . . . . . . 25 Bypassing Low-level Access to Disk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Miscellaneous Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 File Viewing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 File Deletion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 'Help' Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Excluding the Largest File from the Files List. . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Streamlining Your Audit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 How SumDisk Handles Your System's Memory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Making the Most of Your System's Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Skip Low-level Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Use the /Files Command Line Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Skip the Files List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Personalizing Your Audit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Setting Up a Default Audit Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Developing Very Specific Files Lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Appendix A. Using the Keyboard in SumDisk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Appendix B. Bytes, Kilobytes, Sectors and Clusters. . . . . . . . . . . . 33 1 Quick Start * To obtain an audit of your drive, with no special requests: sumdisk * To audit drives C: and D: simultaneously (version 2.11): sumdisk c:,d: * To produce a Files list of no more than 'n' items: sumdisk /f=n * To get the longest Files list possible, where a memory shortage is causing SumDisk to truncate the Files list: sumdisk /s * To produce a Files list including only files which match certain wildcards (up to 5 wildcards): sumdisk /i=wildcard1[,wildcard2,...,wildcard5] * To produce a Files list including all files except those matching certain wildcards (up to 5 wildcards): sumdisk /e=wildcard1[,wildcard2,...,wildcard5] * While reviewing the Files list, click on a file's name with the left mouse button to view it. * While in the Files list, click on a file's name with the right mouse button to mark it for deletion. 2 Introduction Computers are splendid things. Whether you view them as tools to get the job done faster or as sophisticated toys to be amazed and amused by, you are probably one of those who relates to, at least in part, the technical wizardry going on inside that electronic box. Utility, speed, and accuracy join hands in a well-orchestrated computer system. System Dependability As well as being fast, accurate, and just generally neat, they are also dependable. With high quality electronics and large hard drives, most desktop computers last for years in the same configuration in which they were installed. Many users take for granted that their machine will meet their needs well into the future. This is especially true when they think of their high capacity hard disk. It's natural and common to take your hard drive for granted. After all, there's enough room on it to store dozens of programs and thousands of files. If you're like most other DOS users, you not only have yesterday's files on it but you also have many from months or even years ago. Today's large hard drives make it easy to use a file, store it, and forget it. Some of this is honest and needed archiving of important data. Other times, it's just the easy thing to do. When Space Gets Tight Your honeymoon with abundant disk space will end, though. Continually adding files while removing few will demand more and more precious disk space. You eventually arrive at the point where you simply don't have enough room to load on a new program that you'd love to use. At this point, your job is clear: you have to identify the least valuable files and purge them. Once you're done, you'll have lots of extra space again on your drive, and that new program will fit nicely. Unfortunately, it's much, much easier said than done. To do the job well, you have the answer some basic questions, such as: ù Which files are the biggest offenders? That is, which ones are taking up the most space? ù And where are they, anyway? ù Which directories are the most bloated? ù Do you have file copies that can quickly be eliminated? (Remember that file copies often don't even have the same name!) ù Are there any software packages that you don't use anymore but are taking lots of real estate? These are tough questions to answer when the only tool for reviewing your files is DOS's lowly DIR command. Where in the world do you start? Luckily, this question is the easiest one to answer. You start with SumDisk. 3 How SumDisk Helps SumDisk is a new kind of disk tool. By using it, you can simplify the job of maintaining your disk. Freeing up space for new files becomes a snap. Best of all, SumDisk is fast! Even on slow machines with large drives, auditing and reporting takes just a few seconds. It takes a broader view of your hard drive than the DIR command ever has. After all, you could use DIR, one directory at a time, to find those space hogs. Of course, if you have dozens of directories, you somehow have to merge all of those into a single list to get the overview of the entire disk. This is what SumDisk does for you. It looks at every file on the disk and develops that overall file list for you. Once it's completed the audit, it presents you with the summary of where your disk's space is being used. From there it's just a matter of minutes before your hard drive has some elbow room again. SumDisk can also find forgotten file copies, giving more opportunities for freeing up disk space. With the commercial version of the program, SumDisk 2.11, you can even find file copies that are on two different drives! Some of SumDisk's features are: By-size and by-name sorted lists of disk elements: ù Directories and subdirectories ù Primary directories in "root", totalled with their subdirectories ù Files Simultaneous display of disk element's space usage in both numeric terms and as a histogram Flexible numeric display of disk element's space usage: ù Kilobytes of disk space ù Bytes ù Percent of disk total Flexible reporting of the largest files: ù All files, as memory allows ù No more than 'n' files ù Include files matching one of up to five 'include' wildcards ù Exclude files matching one of up to five 'exclude' wildcards Lists stored in files or sent to printer Marking of duplicate files anywhere on the same drive (or two drives in SumDisk 2.11) Viewing of any file in the Files list Marking of files to delete Access to SumDisk's features through a menu, with shortcut keystrokes, or a mouse 4 SumDisk's features will help you find the best way to manage your own hard disk's space. No other utility makes it so easy to see where your space problems are, and how to solve them. 5 Uses for SumDisk The dominant reason for SumDisk's development is to help you understand exactly where you are using your hard drive's space. The program accurately and quickly tallies every file and reports the audit in easily understood terms. You can use the information to free up space as appropriate. SumDisk does more than a simple file tally, though. It will answer all the questions below. Where Am I Using All That Space? In its most basic reporting mode, SumDisk lists every directory (and subdirectory) on the disk, sorting them by the amount of space required by all the files in the directory. The one using the most space is at the top of the list, with a bar to the left and the space used (in kilobytes) to the right. SumDisk lists smaller directories below. Each one's bar is sized proportional to its kilobytes of space. A glance at the size gauge bars will tell you roughly the footprint for each directory and whether its files are major space users. This is the mode that will best tell you if you have been tucking away files into that "temporary" directory but forgetting to delete them. Forgotten program directories appear here, too. Remember that one you loaded and used only once or twice? It's still there. Directories for your programs' outputs may be sitting on a lot of disk real estate. Do you really need to keep all of it? Maybe it's time to delete some and copy others to floppy or tape. What Files Can I Delete to Free Up the Most Space? With an Alt-F1 keystroke, you can display a sorted list of the largest files on the drive (or two drives in Version 2.11). Depending upon your system memory and any command line options you chose when running SumDisk, the list may include all or a subset of the drive's files. SumDisk sorts them by size and displays them in the same fashion as the Directory list. Only you can decide which files are expendable. SumDisk simply lets you see how important each one is in releasing disk space. It's fast, easy, and accurate. How Much Space Are My Commercial Programs Taking? The Directory listing shows you the space used in each directory, including those created when you installed commercial software. For example, C:\WP51 contains all files needed to run Word Perfect 5.1. It may not be an accurate reading, though, on how big a residence Word Perfect maintains on your drive. Like many commercial packages, Word Perfect creates a subdirectory underneath C:\WP51 and places files there. The overall space usage for this program package is the size of C:\WP51 and its subdirectories. Ctrl-F1 displays a list of "primary" directories, which are those which reside in the root directory. (In the case of most hard drives, "root" means C:\.) The Primary Directories list totals the space in each directory within 6 root and all subdirectories beneath it. You may have created your own branching of primaries and subdirectories. In the example below, the primary directory C:\DATA does little more than act as a placeholder for the subdirectories C:\DATA\LASTYEAR, C:\DATA\THISYEAR, and C:\DATA\NEXTYEAR. In this case, the Directories list shows C:\DATA as having little space allocated, but the Primary Directories list accumulates the sizes of C:\DATA and all of its three branches. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Size in Size in ³ ³ (Sub)Directory Directories Primary ³ ³ List Directories ³ ³ List ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ C:\DATA 10 960 ³ ³ ³ ³ C:\DATA\LASTYEAR 500 - ³ ³ ³ ³ C:\DATA\THISYEAR 400 - ³ ³ ³ ³ C:\DATA\NEXTYEAR 50 - ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Do I Have Wasted Space in File Copies? Checking for file copies is literally a single keystroke away with SumDisk. Since files are sorted by size, it's a simple matter to compare neighboring files for identical contents. SumDisk offers a quick (less than a second) estimate of file duplicates as well as a thorough (up to several minutes) procedure. Once copies are highlighted, you can delete any files you wish. Note that SumDisk's duplicate searches are robust. They respond to files' characteristics and contents rather than file names. SumDisk can find duplicates anywhere on the drive (or two drives in version 2.11) and regardless of name. Where Are All My .DBF (.WK1, .DOC, etc.) Files? SumDisk's approach to a disk audit is global. It doesn't look at only a single or a few directories. It finds files in every directory. When combined with wildcards, this feature allows SumDisk to search for certain file groups throughout the drive. For example, you can tell SumDisk to audit the entire disk but place only ".DBF" files in the Files list. It will contain the full pathname and size of every .DBF file (memory permitting). SumDisk allows up to five simultaneous wildcards. You could, for example, generate a list of all files that match the following format: *.DBF or *.WK1 or *.DOC or *.EXE or SUMDISK.*. 7 What Basic Information Is Available For My Drive? Although the casual user rarely needs it, SumDisk acquires basic drive data in order to do low-level auditing (giving fast results). Details on sectors, clusters, the FAT, and the root directory are available when SumDisk establishes low-level access. You can learn, for example, how many bytes your drive has in each sector; how many sectors are grouped into each cluster; how many clusters are on the drive; etc. The Miscellaneous Information option presents these numbers and several others to you, but don't worry if you don't understand all of them. By the time you see them, SumDisk has already audited the disk. Knowing all of these details about your drive is not needed to understand SumDisk's results. 8 A Fast Test Drive At this point, you may be itching to try out SumDisk. Get ready, because the next section is going to lead you through a typical audit session. In it you'll see how to generate a synopsis of your disk, find and reclaim wasted space, and output a listing of your disk's files and directories. This sample session uses function key presses and mouse clicks because they are the fastest way to call on SumDisk's features. However, all features are also available through the menus. While this test drive will teach you the basics of SumDisk, it doesn't mention everything that you might use in a less conventional audit. To learn more about the power and flexibility of SumDisk, review the information available in the Help menu. Better yet, finish reading this manual! Start-Up At the DOS command line prompt, type in the word "sumdisk" and press . (Note: if you have version 2.11, you can audit two drives at once by typing, for example, "sumdisk c:,d:") You will see SumDisk run through your directories, counting them as they pass by. If your system memory is too small to handle all files, then you will see the Files list being truncated. Once it has reviewed your entire drive, SumDisk will give a message in a small window. In it you can see how nearly full your disk is and how many bytes remain free. Hit any key and you'll see a display similar to this: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ View Options Search Help SUMDISK 2.10 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Size Gauge Directory Kb Space ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\SENTRY 8300.0 ³ ³ Û ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\PCTOOLS\SYSTEM 4566.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\WP51 3886.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\WINDOWS 3864.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\PCTOOLS 3580.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\123R3 3392.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\SUE\FPRO 2598.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\POWERC 2438.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\POWERC\PROGS 2044.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\FOXPRO 2002.0 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³Directories: 92 Primaries: 40 Files on Drive: 2754 Files in List: 2754 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 9 At the top of the screen are the four menu categories: View, Options, Search, and Help. All of SumDisk's audit features are available through one of these menus. You can call on a menu either with a click of your mouse or with the proper keypress. For example, you can get the View menu by pressing 'V' or 'Alt-V'. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ View Options Search Help SUMDISK 2.10 ³ ³ ÄÄÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ ³ Directories Shift-F1 ³ectory Kb Space ³ ³ Äij Primaries Ctrl-F1 ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Û³ Files Alt-F1 ³NTRY 8300.0 ³ ³ ³ By Name/By Size F2 ³ Û ³ ³ Û³ Kb Space/Bytes/Disk % F3 ³TOOLS\SYSTEM 4566.0 ° ³ ³ ³ Single/Double Spacing F4 ³ ° ³ ³ Û³ FUll Name/Size Gauge F5 ³51 3886.0 ° ³ ³ ³ Color Scheme F9 ³ ° ³ ³ Û³ EXit Alt-X ³NDOWS 3864.0 ° ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\PCTOOLS 3580.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\123R3 3392.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\SUE\FPRO 2598.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\POWERC 2438.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\POWERC\PROGS 2044.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\FOXPRO 2002.0 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³Directories: 92 Primaries: 40 Files on Drive: 2754 Files in List: 2754 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ At the bottom of the opening screen is an abstract of your drive, showing the number of directories, the number of primary directories, the number of files on the drive, and the number in the present list. SumDisk reports on your drive's directories in the center of the screen. Its standard reporting format shows the directory name in the middle column, a measure of the space used in the right column, and a size gauge in the left. The gauge is a bar that is sized proportional to the largest directory on the disk. Some users may be confused by the "Kb Space" column. This gives the kilobytes of disk space and is an accurate measure of the total size of all files within the directory. DOS assigns space to every file in increments of a cluster, which is one or more sectors. SumDisk converts cluster values into kilobytes since it is more easily understood. If you want to see a more familiar measure of a directory's size (although a little less accurate), press F3 to get the measurement in bytes instead. Read Appendix B Bytes, Kilobytes, Sectors and Clusters for a more thorough discussion on disk space allocation. While it can be changed to suit your tastes (see Personalizing Your Audit), double-spaced directories is the default opening mode. SumDisk reports on the largest 10 directories, and all smaller ones are lower in the 10 list, off the screen. Press F4 to get 19 single-spaced directories at once. To review smaller directories, use the cursor control keys in the usual ways (up and down arrows, , , and ). Press to return to the top of the list. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ View Options Search Help SUMDISK 2.10 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Size Gauge Directory Bytes ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\SENTRY 8144560 ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\PCTOOLS\SYSTEM 4534677 Û ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\WP51 3860611 Û ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\WINDOWS 3825586 Û ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\PCTOOLS 3600208 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\123R3 3319562 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\SUE\FPRO 2638002 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\POWERC 2382007 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\POWERC\PROGS 2020650 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\FOXPRO 2029036 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM 1833113 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛ C:\PROG 1718174 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÝ C:\BIN 1556596 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛ C:\DOS 1381903 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛ C:\FT3 1290024 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÝ C:\LEGAL2 1250994 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛ C:\NEOPAINT 1001548 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÝ C:\SUE\FP2 979614 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÝ C:\TESTS 916019 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³Directories: 92 Primaries: 40 Files on Drive: 2754 Files in List: 2754 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ You can also use your mouse to move through the Directories list. Click on the down arrow below the scroll bar on the right edge, and the list will scroll down rapidly. Click above or below the slider box, and the list will scroll a screen at a time. Other Lists The Directories list contains an entry for every directory and subdirectory on the drive. With this list you'll be able to see where your file space is concentrated. This is the logical starting point for an in- depth audit. Press Ctrl-F1 to see the Primary Directories list. This one has entries for only those directories in "root". However, the size of all subdirectories beneath each primary is included in its total. Press Alt-F1 to get the Files list. If you have a moderate number of files and adequate memory, most or all of the disk's files will be in the list. If a memory shortage caused truncation of the Files list, you can coax SumDisk to provide a longer list (see Streamlining Your Audit). 11 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ View Options Search Help SUMDISK 2.10 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Size Gauge Files Bytes ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\SUE\FPRO\ESHAFDS.PDB 1325256 ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\FOXPRO\FOXHELP.FPT 1000714 Û ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\POWERC\PROGS\POWERC.ZIP 922243 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\123R3\123DOS.EXE 911254 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\POWERC\INCLUDES.ZIP 761301 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\WP51\WP.FIL 617336 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\SENTRY\#A1B2D3U.CPS 541696 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\GEMAPPS\CONVERT\HJD.EXE 532426 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\FOXPRO\FOXPRO.OVL 527632 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN386.EXE 504440 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\WP51\WP.DRS 490022 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\123R3\123.HLP 457949 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\TESTS\DATASUM.ZIP 415821 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\PCTOOLS\CPBACKUP.EXE 412706 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\PCTOOLS\COMMUTE.EXE 402891 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\PCTOOLS\SYSTEM\DESK.OVL 371885 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\POWERC\PROGS\WIN...SOURCE\SOURCE.ZIP 363943 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\WP51\WP{WP}US.LEX 363165 ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\WP51\WPHP1.ALL 359223 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³Directories: 92 Primaries: 40 Files on Drive: 2754 Files in List: 2754 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Fine-Tuning the Display DOS permits path names for files of up to 66 characters long. Only 39 characters will fit into the middle column of the default display, so SumDisk abbreviates long names and inserts three periods. Press F5 to erase the size gauge, making room for full path names. 12 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ View Options Search Help SUMDISK 2.10 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Files Bytes ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ C:\SUE\FPRO\ESHAFDS.PDB 1325256 ³ ³ C:\FOXPRO\FOXHELP.FPT 1000714 Û ³ ³ C:\POWERC\PROGS\POWERC.ZIP 922243 ° ³ ³ C:\123R3\123DOS.EXE 911254 ° ³ ³ C:\POWERC\INCLUDES.ZIP 761301 ° ³ ³ C:\WP51\WP.FIL 617336 ° ³ ³ C:\SENTRY\#A1B2D3U.CPS 541696 ° ³ ³ C:\GEMAPPS\CONVERT\HJD.EXE 532426 ° ³ ³ C:\FOXPRO\FOXPRO.OVL 527632 ° ³ ³ C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN386.EXE 504440 ° ³ ³ C:\WP51\WP.DRS 490022 ° ³ ³ C:\123R3\123.HLP 457949 ° ³ ³ C:\TESTS\DATASUM.ZIP 415821 ° ³ ³ C:\PCTOOLS\CPBACKUP.EXE 412706 ° ³ ³ C:\PCTOOLS\COMMUTE.EXE 402891 ° ³ ³ C:\PCTOOLS\SYSTEM\DESK.OVL 371885 ° ³ ³ C:\POWERC\PROGS\WINDLIB\SOURCE\SOURCE.ZIP 363943 ° ³ ³ C:\WP51\WP{WP}US.LEX 363165 ° ³ ³ C:\WP51\WPHP1.ALL 359223 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³Directories: 92 Primaries: 40 Files on Drive: 2754 Files in List: 2754 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The single-space function key acts as a toggle. Press F4 again to display the Files list in double-space mode. F5 toggles, too, so press it to regain the size gauge. Sorting disk element items by size is the normal way to pursue an audit since it helps you see where you're using the most space. Occasionally you'll want to view a directory's files together. To do that, press F2 to engage the by-name sort. 13 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ View Options Search Help SUMDISK 2.10 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Size Gauge Files Bytes ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Ý C:\ALGAE.DOC 4897 ³ ³ Û ³ ³ Ý C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT 417 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ Ý C:\AUTOEXEC.DFX 273 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ Ý C:\AUTOEXEC.ORI 378 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ Ý C:\CHKLIST.CPS 162 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ Ý C:\COMMAND.COM 47845 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ Ý C:\CONFIG.BAK 183 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ Ý C:\CONFIG.CPS 96 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ Ý C:\CONFIG.OR2 240 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ Ý C:\CONFIG.ORI 130 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³Directories: 92 Primaries: 40 Files on Drive: 2754 Files in List: 2754 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Now press F2 again to revert to the by-size sort. File Duplicates and File Deletion Unknown file duplicates are nasty space-wasters. Press Shift-F8 to smoke them out. Since SumDisk will check each and every byte, this may take a while. After the process is finished, press Shift-F7 to locate the first duplicate file set. Press it again to find the second, etc. Each set is marked with a lowercase letter to the left of the size gauge. Common letters at neighboring files means that they contain exactly the same information. Find a set in which you'd like to delete one copy. If you have a mouse, place the cursor over the name of the file to delete and click with the right mouse button. If you don't have a mouse, press Ctrl-D, move the highlight bar to the offending file, and press . The marking process does not delete the file; instead, it places a "D" on the left and denotes that it will be deleted if you invoke the "Delete Marked Files" menu option. The list below shows one duplicate file set in which one file has been marked for deletion. 14 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ View Options Search Help SUMDISK 2.10 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Size Gauge Files Bytes ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ aÛÛÛÛ C:\POWERC\PCWINM.MIX 220361 ³ ³ ° ³ ³DaÛÛÛÛ C:\POWERC\PROGS\WINDLIB\LIB\PCWINM.MIX 220361 Û ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛ C:\LIB\LLIBFORE.LIB 218541 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛ C:\POWERC\PROGS\WIN...DFL\DOCS\FORM.DOC 214888 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛ C:\WP51\WPHELP.FIL 213854 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛ C:\WINDOWS\WRITE.EXE 211168 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÝ C:\STAR\DRIVERS\PUBPAINT.EXE 210944 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÝ C:\BIN\F2.EXE 210858 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÝ C:\WINDOWS\SETUP.EXE 207984 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÝ C:\ALLOC\ALLO9293.ZIP 204089 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³Directories: 92 Primaries: 40 Files on Drive: 2754 Files in List: 2754 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Producing Output It's easy to get any of the three lists (Directories, Primaries, and Files) stored in a disk file. Press F10 to start the output process. SumDisk proposes that the Directories list file name be called SUMDISK.DIR. Accept that by pressing , and then press "S" to have it include only the by-size list. 15 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ View Options Search Help SUMDISK 2.10 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Size Gauge Files Bytes ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\SUE\FPRO\ESHAFDS.PDB 1325256 ³ ³ Û ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\FOXPRO\FOXHELP.FPT 1000714 ° ³ ³ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛº Accept or Edit Default File Names º 922243 ° ³ ³ º º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛº File for Directories List: SUMDISK.DIR º 911254 ° ³ ³ º º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛº º 761301 ° ³ ³ º º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛݺ Approximate size of complete list file: 15400 º 617336 ° ³ ³ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛº Select Full or Partial List ºÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ 541696 ° ³ ³ º º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛº ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ºE 532426 ° ³ ³ º ÛÛÝBy SizeÞÛÛ ÛÛÝBy NameÞÛÛ ÛÛÝBothÞÛÛ º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛº ßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßßß º 527632 ° ³ ³ º º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼEXE 504440 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³Directories: 92 Primaries: 40 Files on Drive: 2754 Files in List: 2754 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Next, press and to bypass the Primaries list. Accept the default Files list name of SUMDISK.FIL by pressing . Press "S" for only the by-size sorted list of files. Finally, press "D" to produce a list of only those files marked as duplicates. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ View Options Search Help SUMDISK 2.10 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Size Gauge Files Bytes ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\SUE\FPRO\ESHAFDS.PDB 1325256 ³ ³ Û ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\FOXPRO\FOXHELP.FPT 1000714 ° ³ ³ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛº Accept or Edit Default File Names º 922243 ° ³ ³ º º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛº File for Directories List: SUMDISK.DIR OK º 911254 ° ³ ³ º File for Primary Dirs List: Skipped º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛº File for Files List: SUMDISK.FIL º 761301 ° ³ ³ º º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛݺ Approximate size of complete list file: 446600 º 617336 ° ³ ³ º ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͺ Select All Files or Only Duplicates º1696 ° ³ ³ º º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ º ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ º2426 ° ³ ³ º ÛÛÝAll FilesÞÛÛ ÛÛÝDuplicates OnlyÞÛÛ º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ º ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß º7632 ° ³ ³ º º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ4440 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³Directories: 92 Primaries: 40 Files on Drive: 2754 Files in List: 2754 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 16 Wrapping It Up You've just finished a quick audit of your disk, and you have a record of important items in the SUMDISK.DIR and SUMDISK.FIL files. To leave SumDisk and return to DOS, press Alt-X. 17 Running SumDisk In the previous section, you were led through a fairly straightforward audit. It demonstrated the most commonly used SumDisk features, but there are others which you may need from time to time. The present section goes into more detail and covers all features. Program Execution You can get a full audit of the present drive by simply typing in a single word at the DOS prompt: sumdisk While it allows no customization of the Files list, this is the typical way to generate an audit. After reading the entire directory tree, it displays the percentage of disk space being used and the number of bytes remaining free. It will produce three lists: all directories and subdirectories, all primary directories, and the largest files. The number of files in the Files list depends on memory availability. To select a specific drive, simply add the drive's name: sumdisk d: If you have version 2.11 of SumDisk, you can ask that two drives be audited together. The three resulting lists combine directories and files from both. Request two drives by separating their names with a comma: sumdisk c:,d: The Opening Screen The opening screen shows the largest 10 directories on the drive in a double-spaced list. Above the list sits the menu bar, which offers View, Options, Search, and Help items. At the bottom of the screen is a summary line telling the number of directories, primary directories, files on the drive, and files in the present list. To the right of the directory items is a slider bar that shows the proportion of the entire list that is being displayed onscreen. 18 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ View Options Search Help SUMDISK 2.10 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Size Gauge Directory Kb Space ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\SENTRY 8300.0 ³ ³ Û ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\PCTOOLS\SYSTEM 4566.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\WP51 3886.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\WINDOWS 3864.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\PCTOOLS 3580.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\123R3 3392.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\SUE\FPRO 2598.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\POWERC 2438.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\POWERC\PROGS 2044.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\FOXPRO 2002.0 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³Directories: 92 Primaries: 40 Files on Drive: 2754 Files in List: 2754 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The list itself contains three items: the size gauge, the directory name, and kilobytes taken up by files within the directory. Since SumDisk is presenting the directories sorted by size, the top directory has the largest size gauge. Each directory below has a gauge that is proportional to it own size. SumDisk displays each directory's full pathname up to 39 characters in length. Where a name is longer than 39 letters, three periods indicate an abbreviation. Viewing the Lists Cursor control keys navigate through the list in the expected ways. Up and down arrows scroll the list one line at a time; and scroll a screen at a time; and and reposition to the top and bottom of the list. If you have a mouse, you can click on the arrows on either end of the slider bar for very rapid single-line scrolling. Clicking above or below the sliding box imitates the and keystrokes. You can also click and drag the box to relocate anywhere within the list. SumDisk has four other viewing features that are available through both the View menu and a function key press. All requests act as toggles, where additional selections revert to the original mode. Since SumDisk's typical use includes showing which directories and files use the most disk space, the default setup is a by-size sort. Press F2 for a by-name sort. 19 If you want more than 10 items displayed on the screen at once, press F4 to get single spacing. This squeezes in 19 items instead of 10. Function key F5 forces the display of the full pathname of list items. While this may be needed on very long item names, it takes up most of the line, so SumDisk makes space available by erasing the size gauge. On color systems, you can match your mood by choosing among six color schemes. Pressing F9 bumps the scheme up to the next level. Getting to the Heart of It The above features simply help you customize how you view SumDisk's audit of your drive; they do little to manage what information is being shown. Providing that information is the job of the controls below. Through using these, you'll gain a full understanding of what's really on your disk. List Selection. SumDisk audits your drive by compiling lists on all of your directories, your primary directories, and your files, but it will display only one list at a time. In order to get the most out of your audit, you'll need to look at more than one list. You can select different lists through the View menu or with modified F1 keystrokes, as follows: Shift-F1 Directories list Ctrl-F1 Primary Directories list Alt-F1 Files list Size Units Selection. The basic unit in which DOS allocates disk space is the cluster. Depending on the size of the drive, DOS may define a cluster to be a single sector or several sectors combined. Each cluster contains bytes of information and may hold empty space at the end, after the last information byte. Most users generally understand the concept of measuring file sizes in bytes since they are used in all of DOS's reports (such as the DIR command). In order to better understand some of SumDisk's reports, though, you should be aware that the most accurate measure of a file's size is the number of clusters, not bytes. Since most users are unfamiliar with clusters, SumDisk converts file and directory clusters to kilobytes. In the SumDisk audit, you can view either bytes or kilobytes of space usage. A third option, the percentage of overall disk space, is also available at a single keystroke. Using the View menu or the F3 key, you can toggle among displaying a list item's size in any of the following measures: Kilobytes of disk space Bytes Disk percent For an in-depth explanation of the way DOS allocates disk space, read Appendix B, Bytes, Kilobytes, Sectors, and Clusters. Mark Duplicate Files. A very common source of wasted disk space is duplicated files. They may be large or small, and they may be many or few, but nearly everyone has some. SumDisk provides two independent ways to find duplicate file sets. Both place a lowercase alphabetic character to the left 20 of the item. File neighbors which are duplicates share a common letter. The Quick Duplicates choice in the Options menu does an extremely fast scan of all items in the Files list and estimates which are duplicates. It considers file size and the date and time of creation. While not foolproof, this method gives immediate results and is usually correct. Important exceptions are some small support files for many commercial packages. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ View Options Search Help SUMDISK 2.10 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Size Gauge Files Kb Space ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\SUE\FPRO\ESHAFDS.PDB 1296.0 ³ ³ Û ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\FOXPRO\FOXHELP.FPT 978.0 ° ³ ³ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛº --QUICK-- CHECK FOR FILE DUPLICATES º 902.0 ° ³ ³ º º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛº There are 116 PROBABLE sets of duplicate files. º 890.0 ° ³ ³ º Use Exact Dupes (Shift-F8) for a thorough check. º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛº º 744.0 ° ³ ³ º Review with Duplicate Search (Shift-F7) º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛݺ º 604.0 ° ³ ³ º ¯¯ Hit any key ®® º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ 530.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\GEMAPPS\CONVERT\HJD.EXE 520.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\FOXPRO\FOXPRO.OVL 516.0 ° ³ ³ ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN386.EXE 494.0 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³Directories: 92 Primaries: 40 Files on Drive: 2752 Files in List: 2752 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Exact Duplicates takes much more time than Quick Duplicates, but its procedures are robust and accurate. The amount of time to complete this option will vary by the number of files with the same byte count. About a minute is a typical time, but SumDisk may need several minutes in extreme cases. Both procedures to find duplicate file sets rely on file characteristics rather than file names. This means that you can depend on SumDisk's results to find wasted space. To check for duplicates, use the Options menu or press: F8 Quick Duplicates Shift-F8 Exact Duplicates Note: users of SumDisk 2.11 can use these features to locate duplicate files that are actually on two different drives! Find and Display a List Item. You can navigate through short lists comfortably by using only the cursor control keys and the mouse/slider bar. Long lists are less convenient. Finding a single item in a list of hundreds or thousands is much easier if you use one of the search features. All are 21 available in the Search menu. You can search for a specific text string with the Name Search function. It can be the full pathname of a directory or file, or it can be only a portion. For example, if you are viewing the Files list, you can locate the next file in the DOS directory by requesting a search for "\DOS\". A Duplicate Search locates the next file marked as a member of a duplicate file set. This is the fastest way to review files that SumDisk has identified as duplicates. A Delete Search locates the next file that you have marked to be deleted. You can use this to review the marked files before you commit to the actual deletion. Repeat Search replicates the most recently requested search. SumDisk remembers whether the last search was for a text string, a duplicate, or a file marked to delete. Use this option to rapidly view items of interest in your present list. F7 Name Search Shift-F7 Duplicate Search Ctrl-F7 Delete Search Alt-F7 Repeat Search Output Lists. You can see the entire results of SumDisk's audit by reviewing the lists onscreen. In many cases, this is all you'll need. However, for long lists or complicated situations, you may want to have a copy of the audit after you exit SumDisk. Pressing the F10 key will summon the output option. It is also available within the Options menu. The Directories, Primary Directories, and Files lists are maintained independently, and Output to File also keeps them separate. Default file names are SUMDISK.DIR, SUMDISK.PRI, and SUMDISK.FIL. Since you may not need a copy of all three lists, you can request each one individually. SumDisk will prompt you for a file name for each of the lists, and you can either accept the default, enter a different name, or decline a list by blanking out the default name. (To quickly blank the entry, press , then .) If you wish to print the list rather than place it in a file, type in your printer device name instead (e.g., PRN, LPT1, or COM1, etc.). This option can output only the by-size sorted list, only the by-name sort, or both. Some files may be several hundred kilobytes in size! Since you may be using SumDisk at a time when disk space is in short supply, the Output to File window supplies an estimate of the file size for each of the lists. You may be forced to print a long file rather than store it to disk. 22 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ View Options Search Help SUMDISK 2.10 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Size Gauge Files Bytes ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ C:\SUE\FPRO\ESHAFDS.PDB 1325256 ³ ³ Û ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ C:\FOXPRO\FOXHELP.FPT 1000714 ° ³ ³ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛº Accept or Edit Default File Names º 922243 ° ³ ³ º º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛº File for Directories List: SUMDISK.DIR OK º 911254 ° ³ ³ º File for Primary Dirs List: Skipped º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛº File for Files List: SUMDISK.FIL º 761301 ° ³ ³ º º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛݺ Approximate size of complete list file: 446600 º 617336 ° ³ ³ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛº Select Full or Partial List ºÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ 541696 ° ³ ³ º º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛº ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ºE 532426 ° ³ ³ º ÛÛÝBy SizeÞÛÛ ÛÛÝBy NameÞÛÛ ÛÛÝBothÞÛÛ º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛº ßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßßß º 527632 ° ³ ³ º º ° ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼEXE 504440 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³Directories: 92 Primaries: 40 Files on Drive: 2754 Files in List: 2754 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Unless restricted by a command line switch (i.e., /Files, /Include, or /Exclude), the Files output file is likely to be large. You can minimize the output file size in two ways. First, you can select either the by-size or the by-name sort as an output. Second, you can request an output of only those files marked as duplicates. Show Miscellaneous Drive Information. In case you forgot exactly how many bytes remain free on your drive, or the percentage saturation, pressing F6 will give you a reminder. It also dispenses detailed low-level information that, really, you probably don't need to know. Miscellaneous Info divulges various measures and then justifies its saturation estimate with details on space usage. Where SumDisk established low-level access to the drive, this feature also provides some rather arcane information for the technically inclined user. You can learn the size and absolute location of both the FAT and the root directory, and SumDisk also tells the maximum number of entries in the root. 23 Customizing an Audit from the Command Line Running SumDisk plain (by entering only "SUMDISK" at the DOS prompt) usually gives the most information and is a good general purpose drive audit. When you want SumDisk to produce a more specific audit, you can employ one or more command line switches. With the exception of the color scheme switch, they alter what is actually reported rather than how the report appears. Most switches control what SumDisk will place in the Files list. Other than the drive request switch, all begin with one of two tokens. Either a dash or a forward slash alerts SumDisk that a switch follows. You can use either token, whichever is more convenient. Immediately following the token is a unique letter that controls SumDisk's actions during the audit. You can type in only that letter or, to aid in remembering the actions, a full word. However, SumDisk needs only that first letter. The list below shows how the program responds to command line switches in flexible formats. All produce exactly the same results--Directory and Primary Directory lists but no Files list. sumdisk /Directories sumdisk -dir sumdisk /d sumdisk -D Selecting a Drive SumDisk peers into the full command line and interprets the entry without a dash or slash token as a drive name. The command below produces an audit of drive C:. sumdisk c: Users of SumDisk 2.11 can request two drives for simultaneous auditing. Drives A: and B: will be audited with this command line: sumdisk a:,b: Without a switch to explicitly request a drive, SumDisk audits the presently logged drive. Selecting a Color Scheme If you have a color monitor, you can select a color scheme different than the default. SumDisk maintains a set of six schemes, and you can use the /c= switch to request a scheme by number. The command below will cause SumDisk to display its screens in color scheme 3, mnemonically called Battleship. sumdisk /c=3 (or sumdisk /color=3) The switch must call upon the color scheme by number rather than the suggested names below. When SumDisk is displaying an audit list, you can toggle through the schemes by pressing F9 or accessing the View menu. Below are the color scheme numbers and their mnemonics. 24 0 Mono (only one available for monochrome monitors) 1 Blueberry (default) 2 Cyan-ide 3 Battleship 4 Pumpkin 5 Holidays Producing Directory Lists Only Considering how much SumDisk processes during an audit, it's a fast program. If you're an impatient person, though, you can pare off another few seconds by using the /Directories switch. This generates only two lists instead of three--the Directories and the Primary Directories lists. Invoking the /d switch speeds up the audit through bypassing the overhead required in placing files into a list. sumdisk /d (or sumdisk /directories) Limiting the Size of the Files List When computer memory is not limiting and you don't restrict the Files list by command line options, the Files list can be huge. SumDisk permits a maximum of 3,000 entries. All files are sorted by size, so those at the bottom of the list use only a tiny portion of your drive space. In the same way as the /d switch above, the /files= switch can speed the audit as much as a few seconds. In the process, it will restrict the Files list to the number of entries you choose. The command below will produce a full audit of directories and primary directories, but the Files list will include only the largest 25 files on the drive. Being the largest, they will also be the most important when you are trying to release disk space. sumdisk /f=25 (or sumdisk /files=25) Specifying File Groups to Place into the Files List You may be interested in seeing only a certain group of files in the Files list. For example, you might like to see only the executable files, or only the database files--or only the executables and the databases. SumDisk allows a series of up to five comma-delimited 'include' wildcards to which all files will be compared. Using the /include= switch, you can coerce the Files list into including only those files of interest. The wildcard templates should adhere to normal DOS rules; that is, use only valid characters and the * and ? symbols. Separate the wildcards by commas. Do not separate the wildcards by blanks! You can use only a single wildcard to produce a relatively short list, or you can use up to five to manufacture a sorted list, blending up to five groups. For example, the command below will develop a Files list of Lotus-compatible worksheets and dBASE-compatible data bases. sumdisk /i=*.wk?,*.dbf Specifying File Groups to Exclude from the Files List In a manner similar to the /i switch, you can exclude files from the 25 Files list with the /exclude= switch. In this case, you can use either /e= or the /x= variant. They use a comma-delimited wildcard sequence identical to the /i switch's. The command below prevents the inclusion of any executable, batch, or CONFIG.* files. sumdisk /e=*.exe,*.bat,config.* or sumdisk /x=*.exe,*.bat,config.* Fine-Tuning a Files List by Combining /Include & /Exclude The /i switch places files into the Files list only if they match one of five 'include' wildcards; the /e switch filters out any that match one of five 'exclude' wildcards. SumDisk maintains these two wildcard sequences separately, and their effects are additive. You can use both /i and /e switches to restrict the Files list to a very select group. In the following example, sumdisk /i=*.doc,*.dbf,*.wk1 /e=junk*.*,trash*.* the Files list will include all files with extensions of '.doc', '.dbf', or '.wk1' except those beginning with 'junk' or 'trash'. Files JUNK.DOC, TRASH.WK1, JUNK1292.DBF, etc., will not appear in the list. Bypassing Low-level Access to Disk Programs can interact with DOS's filing system on a high level or a low, more detailed, level. SumDisk tries to access a drive on a low level because it gives two advantages: speed and full accounting of space used. When SumDisk reads drive information rather than asking DOS to do it, several seconds of overhead are saved. It also extracts a measure of the space taken up by the directories themselves. In the Directories list, this space is given in the "Directory Structure" entry. Some nonstandard drives (especially network drives) may not permit low- level access, and in such cases SumDisk shifts automatically to high-level access. This slows the audit slightly, eliminates the Directory Structure entry, and prevents knowing several numbers in the Miscellaneous Info screen. That's the bad news. The good news is that some memory is released. When using low-level access, SumDisk has to store the entire FAT (file allocation table) and root directory in memory. If you use the /Skiplow switch, you can force SumDisk to conserve that amount of memory so it can be used to store more files in the Files list. Use the /s switch when your computer's memory does not allow you to develop a Files list as long as you'd like. Also give it a try on finicky, nonstandard drives. The below command maximizes the number of files in the Files list. sumdisk /s (or sumdisk /skiplow) 26 Miscellaneous Functions File Viewing While reviewing your Files list, you may wish you could see what is really inside some of those files you don't remember. SumDisk has a simple file viewer to help you. The simplest, most straightforward way to view a file is to simply click on its name with the left mouse button. If you don't have a mouse, use the 'Pick File to View' item from the Options menu (also available directly with Ctrl-V). Place the highlight bar over the file name and press . ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ C:\STACEY\ALGAE ³ ³ ³ ³ HOW DOES THE pH LEVEL AFFECT THE GROWTH OF ALGAE? ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Algae, also known as "pond scum", is one of the five major ³ ³ ³ ³classes of plants. Like all plants, they make their own food, ³ ³ ³ ³receiving carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Algae can live in ³ ³ ³ ³very hot or very cold climates. They live in fresh and salt water ³ ³ ³ ³and in moist soils. Some have been found in fossils estimated to ³ ³ ³ ³be over three billion years old. ³ ³ ³ ³ There are various kinds, shapes and colors of algae. Green ³ ³ ³ ³algae is thought to be the ancestor of green land plants. There ³ ³ ³ ³are also blue-green, brown, red and golden algae. Some that live ³ ³ ³ ³ [ Next Screen ] [ Cancel ] 16% ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ File Deletion SumDisk's primary purpose is to help you identify where you can recoup some disk space. This translates into deleting files. SumDisk is friendly enough to let you delete them while reviewing the audit results. You can mark the file you wish to delete by using your mouse, the Options menu, or pressing Ctrl-D. With a mouse, merely clicking on a Files list entry with the right mouse button will tag the file. SumDisk will highlight the entry and place a 'D' on the left edge. If you change your mind, clicking on it again will toggle it back to non-marked status. The 'Mark/Unmark to Delete' menu item (also available directly with Ctrl-D) supplies a highlight bar which you can move to the file to mark. Once over the file name, press to mark it. Unmark it with the same procedure. 27 If you mark several, you may want to review the list of marked files. Go to the top of the list by pressing and then press Ctrl-F7 repeatedly to see each file marked to delete. Once you're satisfied that you really do want to delete the files in the list, select 'Delete Marked Files' from the Options menu. SumDisk will ask you to confirm your request. The program will warn you if you're trying to delete read-only files. 'Help' Information Most computer users are of the work-now-read-later variety. This manual offers the other type, the read-before-you-work user, the chance to get all available details on SumDisk. You're making an investment into getting the best use from your program. The larger group of impatient users can still run SumDisk and notice the Help menu item at the top of the screen. Selecting a topic within the Help list will access SumDisk's help file, which is a simple text file that needs to be placed in a directory within your path. The help file's name is SUMDISK.HLP. This file offers basic support for running SumDisk, and gives details on command line options and function key usage. It's not as thorough as this manual, but it does serve as a good reminder when you need some quick and brief information. Excluding the Largest File from the Files List Just like the Directories and Primary Directories lists, the Files list is sorted by size. The largest file is at the top, and its size gauge is full-length. Other files have gauges that are roughly proportional to their size in kilobytes. Occasionally, a drive's largest file is overwhelmingly larger than the next file in the list. In this case, the size gauge's resolution is fairly coarse-grained, and it may not give a good reading on the relative sizes of, say, the second and third files on the list. You can get a more refined picture of the file sizes in the list by excluding the largest file. The Options menu offers this feature, and Ctrl-X is the keyboard shortcut. Once the largest file is excluded, the new largest file is the previous second largest. SumDisk will automatically update size gauges by keying on the new largest file's size. Now the size gauges have a finer resolution and offer a more easily understood size comparison between files. Note that this procedure does not delete the largest file from the disk- -it simply removes it from the list. This has the same effect as the following command line option: sumdisk /exclude=largest file's name 28 Streamlining Your Audit How SumDisk Handles Your System's Memory In developing your drive's audit, SumDisk uses conventional memory (that below the 640-kilobyte limit) heavily. The more conventional memory you have available, the more thorough will be SumDisk's reporting. SumDisk begins by trying to establish low-level access to the drive. This speeds up the audit and permits a complete accounting of each cluster. Once SumDisk gains low-level access, it copies the FAT (file allocation table) and root directory into memory. The FAT's size depends on the number of clusters on the drive, and it can be substantial. (To discover information on your drive's clusters, use Miscellaneous Info from the Options menu.) The maximum size for the FAT is about 130,000 bytes. The actual size is almost always two bytes per cluster. As SumDisk encounters a file or a new directory during the audit process, it creates a packet of descriptive information and places it into memory. The packets coexist in the conventional memory space alongside the FAT and root directory. After reviewing the entire drive, the program sorts all these packets into the Directories, Primary Directories, and Files lists. SumDisk always produces Directories and Primary Directories lists. The Files list is optional and can vary in level of reporting--and the amount of memory required (refer to Customizing an Audit from the Command Line: the /Files, /Include, and /Exclude switches). When memory is limiting, SumDisk dynamically truncates the Files list as needed to supply memory for Directories and Primary Directories lists. Making the Most of Your System's Memory Skip Low-level Access. Memory dedicated to storing the FAT is unavailable for other purposes and may prevent developing complete lists. Since SumDisk insists on completing the Directories and Primary Directories lists, a memory shortage results in a truncated Files list. Using the /Skiplow switch, you can maximize the size of the Files list by refusing the placement of the FAT into memory. Note: If for any reason SumDisk can not establish low-level access, the program defaults to Skiplow mode. sumdisk /s Use the /Files Command Line Switch. When SumDisk begins an audit, it has no idea how many directories and files it will find. As a default, it sets aside enough memory to handle a Files list of up to 3,000 entries. The size of this memory overhead is 24,000 bytes. If SumDisk runs out of memory before it reaches the 3,000th file, it dynamically truncates the Files list, but the overhead memory is unchanged. Unless available memory is extremely restricted, the length of the truncated Files list will probably be enough for your use. If, however, you need to squeeze as many files as possible into it, add some to the number of files in the truncated Files list and enter that value with a /files switch in a second SumDisk execution. This releases the overhead memory at a rate of 8 bytes for each file entry below the 3,000 default. 29 For example, if SumDisk produced an audit with a truncated Files list containing 1,500 entries, run SumDisk again as follows: sumdisk /f=2000 This will supply 8,000 additional bytes ((3000-2000) * 8) in which SumDisk can place additional file entries. The new Files list will almost certainly contain much more than 1,500 entries. Skip the Files List. The Files list will always be the longest and most memory-demanding of SumDisk's lists. If your drive has an unusually large number of directories (i.e., at least several hundred) and an unusually small amount of available memory, it's possible that SumDisk won't be able to complete lists even of the directories. If you use the /Directories switch on the command line, the program will not produce a Files list. Since this releases several thousand bytes of Files list overhead, it may permit completion of the Directories and Primary Directories lists under conditions of extreme memory shortage. sumdisk /d 30 Personalizing Your Audit Setting Up a Default Audit Configuration Several components of SumDisk's reporting are flexible and can be controlled by command-line switches or function key/menu selections. The program assumes some default settings for these items, but these may not be best for you. For example, you may not be interested in seeing the Directories list. Instead, you may want to go directly to the Files list, and you may prefer the 19 lines per screen available with single spacing. Using SumDisk's defaults, you can get to a single-spaced Files list by pressing Alt-F1 and F4. However, by accessing Change Default Configuration in the Options menu, you can personalize the display appearance and have SumDisk go directly to the single-spaced Files list without your intervention. The Setup Configuration window will let you modify SumDisk's default settings on several items. In every audit afterwards (unless overridden with command-line switches), SumDisk will follow your personal settings. Below are the items which you can configure, shown with SumDisk's defaults. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Configuration Item Initial Default ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ Color scheme 1 ("Blueberry") ³ ³ ³ ³ Unit of measuring space Kilobytes ³ ³ ³ ³ Disk element list Directories ³ ³ ³ ³ Line spacing Double ³ ³ ³ ³ Option to skip low-level access Not selected ³ ³ ³ ³ Maximum entries in Files list 3000 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Developing Very Specific Files Lists When you develop a drive audit with SumDisk, you may wish to view information on only a small group of files. Reviewing them in a Files list with up to 3,000 entries can be cumbersome. You can control the files that SumDisk will place into the list by using the /include switch or the /exclude switch ... or both. These two switches maintain separate lists of up to five DOS-style wildcards. You can, for example, develop a Files list with only files whose names begin with DAY1, DAY2, DAY3, DAY4, or DAY5 by entering the following: sumdisk /i=day1*.*,day2*.*,day3*.*,day4*.*,day5*.* Alternatively, you can exclude files matching any of up to five wildcards. The following will exclude .ZIP and .ARC files from the Files list: sumdisk /e=*.zip,*.arc 31 Since the /include and /exclude switches work cooperatively, you can develop some fairly sophisticated Files lists. With this entry, SumDisk will produce a list of .TXT, .DOC, .DBF, and .WK1 files, but none starting with BOB or BILL: sumdisk /i=*.txt,*.doc,*.dbf,*.wk1 /e=bob*.*,bill*.* 32 Appendix A. Using the Keyboard in SumDisk Features available through SumDisk's menus let you explore audit details, change the presentation format, and get audit output. You can access all menus with the keyboard or with a mouse. 'V' or Alt-V Call upon the View menu. The menu controls which list is being shown and the choice of formats. 'O' or Alt-O Call upon the Options menu. This menu offers detailed drive information, file duplicate checking, file viewing and deletion, default configuration, and list output. 'S' or Alt-S Call upon the Search menu. Enables searching for text, file duplicates, and files marked to delete. 'H' or Alt-H Call upon the Help menu. The menu offers information on several topics. Nearly all of the menu functions are also accessible via function keys and control-key combinations. For the periodic user, using the menus is the easiest way to work within SumDisk. The frequent user can save a little time and effort by skipping the menus and going straight to the function/control keys. The table below is an exhaustive list of function key and control key uses. F1 Call upon the Help menu. Same as Alt-H. Shift-F1 Display the list of all directories and subdirectories. Ctrl-F1 Display the list of primary directories. These are the directories within root, and each one's size includes itself and all of its subdirectories. Alt-F1 Display the list of files (if available). F2 Toggle between displaying the present list sorted by size and by name. F3 Toggle between displaying the size of the list elements in kilobytes of space, bytes, and disk percent. F4 Toggle between displaying the list in double and single spacing. F5 Toggle between displaying the list elements with abbreviated names and a size gauge, and full names but without a size gauge. F6 Provide miscellaneous low-level information about the drive. It includes details on the logical disk structure (sector and cluster sizes, FAT and root directory addresses) and on disk usage. F7 Search for a text string or substring within the present list. Shift-F7 Search for the next duplicate file set. Ctrl-F7 Search for the next file marked to be deleted. Alt-F7 Repeat the most recent search request. F8 Mark files as probable duplicates by comparing the file size, time, and date. This procedure is rapid but imperfect. Shift-F8 Mark files as verified duplicates by doing a byte-by-byte comparison. F9 Increment the color scheme number by one (values range from 0 to 5). Ignore this if using a monochrome monitor. F10 Output one or more of the audit lists to file(s) or a printer. Ctrl-D Mark/unmark a file for deletion. Ctrl-V View a file. Ctrl-X Exclude the largest file from the Files list. 33 Appendix B. Bytes, Kilobytes, Sectors and Clusters Bytes are the smallest unit of computer measure that users often reference. File sizes are often described in terms of bytes; memory in kilo- bytes; and hard disk space in mega-bytes. A single byte is able to store a single letter of the alphabet or, as a number, values from 0 to 255. The phrase "I see you!" requires 10 bytes for storage (including blanks and the exclamation point). Remember that computers at their lowest level are binary animals, working with only two values--zeroes and ones. Because of this, measures larger than bytes are done with powers of the number two. While the prefix "kilo" indicates 1,000 anywhere else, the computer discipline defines a kilobyte (KB) as approximately 1,000 bytes. It's 1,024 exactly--two to the tenth power. Likewise, a megabyte is approximately a million bytes--two to the twentieth power. DOS, the Disk Operating System, doesn't keep tabs on every byte. There are too many for that. Rather, DOS lumps several into a single unit that it does monitor--the sector. A DOS sector is almost universally 512 bytes, whether on a hard or a floppy disk. While DOS's DIR command gives the illusion that file space is measured in bytes, DOS never allocates space that way. Instead, it really assigns space to a file in much larger chunks. To DOS, a sector is an indivisible object. Two files may never share a single sector. Take the case of two files, A and B, that are 10 and 20 bytes long. When DOS writes A's data to disk, it writes only 10 bytes. The remaining 502 bytes in the sector are untouched. Now it's time to write file B. There's plenty of space available in A's sector, but DOS will assign B to a sector all its own. In this way, two files of slightly different sizes can actually take up exactly the same amount of disk space! When DOS manages file space, it handles up to 64 kilo "chunks" (64K is two to the sixteenth power). Many hard drives contain more than 64K sectors, so DOS actually deals with clusters when allocating file space. A cluster is a loosely defined measure that contains one or more sectors grouped as a single unit. The 1.44 MB floppy disk has clusters of exactly one sector (512 bytes), while most hard disks of moderate size use clusters of four sectors (2,048 bytes, or 2.0 KB). This difference in cluster size leads to a curiosity: file A on a floppy disk takes less space than the same file on a hard drive! Rather than confuse you with varying sizes of clusters, SumDisk automatically converts clusters to kilobytes, a consistent and absolute measure. You can use Miscellaneous Info (press the F6 key) to learn the size of your cluster. Notice that file or directory lists being measured in Kb Space, SumDisk's default mode, have entries with multiples of a cluster's size.